早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
Nowdays many Chinese people can enjoy the overseas travel during during their holiday,and take photos,buy souvenirs and even afford foreign extravagant goods.
about ten years' ago,in 1995,only few people have chance to go abroad for leisure.But in 2000,this number increase to 40,000 and up to 120000 in 2005.Under this circumstance,the main reason is the continueous increase of living standard and appreciation of RMB to foreign currency.But are Chinese people really too rich
Basicly,it isn't like this,most of people in our country are still living a simple life and cannot afford housing,chiildren's tuition and medicial expense.Although it is reasonable to travel overseas,but we don't have to waste spend too much,
In the last decade,an increasing number of Chinese people in certain unban area go abroad to tour.In 1995,there is only ten thousand tourist going overseas to tour,and in 2000 the number jumps to approximately 40 thousand,and even more than 120 thousand in 2005.There are numerous reasons for this phenomenon,and here I shall explore only a few of the most important ones and its impact.The foremost reason for it is that with the increase of the living standard of Chinese people,they have more money plus for many other aims except basical food and housing,of which tour is a n increasing popular choice of comsumption.Secondly,since China's practicing the open and reform policy,not only have Chinese people recieved and accepted many new and advanced ideas from overseas,but they also desire to go abroad to have a look how overseas contries are.When it comes to what impact bring to China,people may find it controversial due to their diversity of conflicting values.In my view,the most obvious influence is that it promotes the development of economic,and many people can employed in the tour industry.What's more,
However,people may change their originally settled life style.In conclusion,tour abroad is generally beneficial to our society and nation.
about ten years' ago,in 1995,only few people have chance to go abroad for leisure.But in 2000,this number increase to 40,000 and up to 120000 in 2005.Under this circumstance,the main reason is the continueous increase of living standard and appreciation of RMB to foreign currency.But are Chinese people really too rich
Basicly,it isn't like this,most of people in our country are still living a simple life and cannot afford housing,chiildren's tuition and medicial expense.Although it is reasonable to travel overseas,but we don't have to waste spend too much,
In the last decade,an increasing number of Chinese people in certain unban area go abroad to tour.In 1995,there is only ten thousand tourist going overseas to tour,and in 2000 the number jumps to approximately 40 thousand,and even more than 120 thousand in 2005.There are numerous reasons for this phenomenon,and here I shall explore only a few of the most important ones and its impact.The foremost reason for it is that with the increase of the living standard of Chinese people,they have more money plus for many other aims except basical food and housing,of which tour is a n increasing popular choice of comsumption.Secondly,since China's practicing the open and reform policy,not only have Chinese people recieved and accepted many new and advanced ideas from overseas,but they also desire to go abroad to have a look how overseas contries are.When it comes to what impact bring to China,people may find it controversial due to their diversity of conflicting values.In my view,the most obvious influence is that it promotes the development of economic,and many people can employed in the tour industry.What's more,
However,people may change their originally settled life style.In conclusion,tour abroad is generally beneficial to our society and nation.
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