早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
求大神帮忙造句啊 ①be dying to ②it takes sb. to d
①be dying to
②it takes sb. to do
③adapt to
④adjust to
⑤the other day
⑥be relevant to
⑦listen to+宾补
①be dying to
②it takes sb. to do
③adapt to
④adjust to
⑤the other day
⑥be relevant to
⑦listen to+宾补
I am dying to know all the answers of these problems
It takes me much time to make all these sentences.
So far I have adapted to the weather herre.
When suddenly entering the dark room,I have to adjust to the darkness for a while.
The other day I came across a friend of mine on the street.
What you wrote was not relevant to the topic.
The sales manager had to listen to customers complain about their service.
Work hard,otherwise you will fall far behind others.
As well as wokring hard at my lessons,I often participate in after-class activities
It takes me much time to make all these sentences.
So far I have adapted to the weather herre.
When suddenly entering the dark room,I have to adjust to the darkness for a while.
The other day I came across a friend of mine on the street.
What you wrote was not relevant to the topic.
The sales manager had to listen to customers complain about their service.
Work hard,otherwise you will fall far behind others.
As well as wokring hard at my lessons,I often participate in after-class activities
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