早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
have | go | play |see | watch | take 这几个单词都分开造句,不是连词成句哦 都按一般现在时、 进行时、
I had no money that time.
I'll have a lot of money in the future.
I went to hospital this morning.
I'll go to hospital tomorrow.
I played basketball with my classmates last Sunday.
I'll play basketball with my classmates this Sunday.
I saw Lucy at the party last night.
I'll see Lucy at the party tonight.
I watched TV yesterday night.
I'll watch TV tonight.
I took the bus to school last week.
I'll take the bus to school tomorrow.
I'll have a lot of money in the future.
I went to hospital this morning.
I'll go to hospital tomorrow.
I played basketball with my classmates last Sunday.
I'll play basketball with my classmates this Sunday.
I saw Lucy at the party last night.
I'll see Lucy at the party tonight.
I watched TV yesterday night.
I'll watch TV tonight.
I took the bus to school last week.
I'll take the bus to school tomorrow.
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