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问人行李在哪:Where is the baggage claim area?
1.Would you please tell me where can I go through the customs?
2.Do I have to pay the custom taxes for these wines?
3.How much custom duties would I have to pay?
4.These two bottles of wine are for my own use.
5.These are all my personal effects.
6.This camera is for my personal use.
7.This is a list of all I have.
8.I have only a few small gifts,the total value is under 50 dollars.
9.I don’t have any kinds of golden and silver products.
10.I really don’t know what’s dutiable.
11.Will I have to declare how much currencies I have?
12.Here is 1999 U.S dollars in cash and 20000 traveler’s cheque in Chinese RMB.
13.I don’t have anything dutiable.
14.I thought this camera be duty free.
15.HongKong is one of the largest free ports in the world.
16.Can I go through now?
1.Please show your passport.
2.My I see your customs form?
3.Do you have anything to declare?
4.Anything dutiable?Such as cigarettes,liquor or perfume
5.Are these all your luggages?
6.Please fill out the customs form.
7.How much local and foreign currencies do you have?
8.After you clear customs,you can exchange your money.
9.What’s in your handbag?Please show it out.
10.Please open your suitcase,I’ll check it immediately.
11.You must pay 33 U.S.dollars customs duties.
12.You don’t have to pay duties for your personal effects.
13.I’m afraid we’ll charge you import duties for this camera.
14.Sorry,you have some prohibited things with you.
15.Please follow me to the next hall.
16.This videocorter can’t be duty free.
17.The customs formalities are simple.
18.OK,you can go through now.
1.Please show your passport.
2.Please show your health certificate.
3.May I have a look at your passport and visa?
4.What’s the purpose of your visit?
5.What are your going to do here?
6.How long will you stay here?
=How long do you plan to stay here?
7.Where are you going to leave the country?
8.Where will you be staying?
9.What is your address during your stay in Britain?
10.Please fill out this form
11.Please fill in your intended length of stay on this line.
12.Please write your address on your embarkation card.
13.Ok,all right.
14.OK,everything seems to be in order.
1.Here’s my passport.
2.I’ve come here to participate a seminar.
3.I’ve come here on holiday.
4.I’m a tourist.
5.I’m here on business.
6.About there months.
7.I’m on transit.
8.I’ll he mostly in London area.
9.I don’t know my intended length of stay.
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