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Only a few days after I arrived in the UK did I realize what changeable the weather was. In Saturday afternoon my friends and I decided to cook some traditional Chinese food rather than to eat out. It was nice and beautiful in beginning when suddenly the clouds gathered above. Then the sun was blocked complete by thick clouds following by a heavy rain . But it only rained for about 10 minutes after the sun showed its lovely face again. While they were having dinnerthe sun hide behind the clouds once again. It had changed from sunshine to light rain for several time in a single day!


    Only a few days after I arrived in the UK did I realize what changeable the weather


was. In Saturday afternoon my friends and I decided to cook some traditional Chinese


food rather than to eat out. It was nice and beautiful in∧ beginning when suddenly the


clouds gathered above. Then the sun was blocked complete by the thick clouds  following by

                                                                     completely                followed

a heavy rain fall. But it only rained for about 10 minutes after the sun showed its lovely face


again. While they were having dinner the sun hide behind the clouds once again. It had changed

we                                      hid                          去掉had

from sunshine to light rain for several time in a single day.


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