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      1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;
      2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。
      When a plane from London reached in Sydney airport, workers began to unload the number of
wooden boxes where contained clothing. No one could know why one of the boxes were extremely
heavy. It suddenly occurred to one of the workers to open the box. He was astonished at what he
found. A man was laying in the box on top of a pile of woolen goods. He was very surprised at being
discovered that he did not even try to run away. Before he was arrested, the man admitted hiding in
the box before the plane left for London. He had had a long and uncomfortable trip, for he had stayed
the wooden box for over eighteen hours. The            man was ordered to pay£3,500 for the cost of
the trip. The common price of a ticket is £2,000!
When a plane from London reached in Sydney airport, workers began to unload the number of 
                                                  1. 去掉                                                         2.  a  
wooden boxes where contained clothing. No one could know why one of the boxes
                     3. which    
were extremely heavy. It suddenly occurred to one of the workers to open the box. He was
4. was
astonished at what he found. A man was laying in the box on top of a pile of woolen goods. He
                                                             5. lying
was very surprised at being discovered that he did not even try to run away. Before he was
      6. so                                                                                                   7. After
arrested, the man admitted hiding in the box before the plane left for London. He had had a long
                                                                                              8. 去掉            
and uncomfortable trip, for he had stayed∧ the wooden box for over eighteen hours. The
                                                           9. 加in
man was ordered to pay£3,500 for the cost of the trip. The common price of a ticket is
                                                                                         10. normal 

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