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Recently,as the development of the Internet,there is a kind of language called Web language.Some people even speak Chinese mix with English letters.The other day our class had a discussion about if we should welcome the Web Language.
Forty percent of the students think it ridiculous.In their opinion,it does no good to help people communicate,nor is it useful for learning English.Besides,it'll make Chinese more standard and pure,finally ruining Chinese language.However,69% of our class is fond of it.They think it is simple,convenient and helpful in expressing them.What's more,it may make the language more interesting.
Personally,it's a good habit to use the Web language.Popular as it may be,you may also make yourself be misunderstood.
Recently,as the development of the Internet,there is a kind of language called Web language.Some people even speak Chinese mix with English letters.The other day our class had a discussion about if we should welcome the Web Language.
Forty percent of the students think it ridiculous.In their opinion,it does no good to help people communicate,nor is it useful for learning English.Besides,it'll make Chinese more standard and pure,finally ruining∧Chinese language.However,69% of our class is fond of it.They think it is simple,convenient and helpful in expressing them.What's more,it may make the language more interesting.
Personally,it's∧a good habit to use the Web language.Popular as it may be,you may also make yourself be misunderstood.

1.as 改为with 考查连词和介词的用法.with和as都有"随着"的意思,但with是介词,后接名词或名词词组,as是连词,后接从句.the development of the Internet是名词词组,用with.
2.mix改为mixed 考查过去分词.Chinese与mix之间是动宾关系,用过去分词短语mixed with English letters作后置定语.
3.if 改为whether 考查连词.if we should welcome the Web Language是about的宾语从句,介词后面的宾语从句不能用if引导,只能用whether.
4.help改为helping 考查动名词.to是介词,后接动词时用动名词形式.
5.more改为less 考查词语用法.根据句意:另外,它使得中文更加不标准,不纯正,将最终毁灭我们的母语.根据语境,此处意思正好相反,故把more改为less.
6.加the 考查冠词.Chinese language前加定冠词the表示特指.
7.is改为are 考查主谓一致.百分数作主语要看后面名词,class集体名词做主语,谓语动词用复数.
8.them改为themselves 考查代词.根据句意:他们认为网络语言能更简单,更方便地表达他们自己.根据语境,突出他们自己,用themselves.
9.加not 考查句意.根据句意:我个人认为,用网络用语不是一个好习惯.加not.
10.去掉be 考查过去分词.make oneself done意为"使某人自己被…",不用be,过去分词表示被动含义.把be去掉.
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