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Great changes have been taken place in my village. Ten years ago, the small and low
houses, which lie on the north of a lake, produced much waste. As the result, the lake
was serious polluted. To the west was a sandy field, that was the source of dust.
Better still, a brickyard on the southwest of the lake used up a great deal good soil.
Now the poor house have been replaced by green trees and the brickyard by tall
buildings. The sandy field that the villagers used to ploughing has been covered with
fruit trees. On the lake the villagers often spend his spare time boating and fishing.
Great changes have been taken place in my village. Ten years ago, the small and low
                           1. 去掉
houses, which lie on the north of a lake, produced much waste. As the result, the lake
                   2. lay                                                                          3. a
was serious polluted. To the west was a sandy field, that was the source of dust.
    4. seriously                                                      5. which
Better still, a brickyard on the southwest of the lake used up a great deal ∧good soil.
6. Worse                                                                                              7. of
Now the poor house have been replaced by green trees and the brickyard by tall
                     8. houses
buildings. The sandy field that the villagers used to ploughing has been covered with
                                                                           9. plough
fruit trees. On the lake the villagers often spend his spare time boating and fishing.
                                                                  10. their 

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