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春节前的一项调查结果显示,在北京、上海等六大城市人群中有近70%受访者表示“为春节回家而烦恼”,被称为“恐归族”。他们的烦恼在于车票难买、路途遥远、 假期太短以及组建家庭后回农村过年不适应等。
1. 报道的内容。
2. 你的看法(至少两点)。
注意:1. 开头已给出 (不计词数)。
2. 参考词汇:恐归族 home-fear group
According to the results of a survey in six big cities like Beijing and Shanghai before the Spring Festival,
According to the results of a survey in six big cities like Beijing and Shanghai before the Spring Festival, nearly 70 percent of the people surveyed have been defined as the “home-fear group”, or those who have deep concerns about going back home for the Spring Festival.
Firstly, most of them find it difficult to buy travel tickets for home. Secondly, some of them say their hometown is too far away and the holidays are too short. Thirdly, others feel they are no longer accustomed to the country life after getting married in the cities.
From my point of view, whether to go back home for the Spring Festival is not just a personal choice, it also reveals many social problems. First, the government seems to have failed to provide a good transportation service for the festival. Second, the development in urban and rural areas is unbalanced. (Finally, holidays should be more flexible to meet the needs of people from a large population). Therefore, the government should take all the above into consideration for the good of public.

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