早教吧作业答案频道 -->其他-->
1、Does the writer always get up early on sundays,or does he always get up late?
2、Did he get up early last Sunday,or did he get up late
3、Who telephoned then?
4、Had she just arrived by train ,or had she come on foot?
5、Was she coming to see him or not?
6、did he say ,‘I'm still having breakfast',or did he say,
‘I am still in bed'?
7、was his aunt very surprised or not?
8、what was the time?
1、Does the writer always get up early on sundays,or does he always get up late?
2、Did he get up early last Sunday,or did he get up late
3、Who telephoned then?
4、Had she just arrived by train ,or had she come on foot?
5、Was she coming to see him or not?
6、did he say ,‘I'm still having breakfast',or did he say,
‘I am still in bed'?
7、was his aunt very surprised or not?
8、what was the time?
he always gets up late on sundays.Last Sunday ,When his aunt telephoned ,he was in bed.
she said that she had arrived the station and would come to see him.But he said he was having breakfast.That made his aunt surprised.Because it was 1 o'clock pm.
she said that she had arrived the station and would come to see him.But he said he was having breakfast.That made his aunt surprised.Because it was 1 o'clock pm.
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