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The Internet is the most rapid development of the industry in China for nearly ten years, since the advent of the Internet Chinese at the end of the last century, the speed of its development had to sigh. In a short span of ten years, the number of Internet users has reached 650000000 Chinese, on the Internet after years of development, is now no longer an independent industry. Since the success of electronic commerce mode of Ma, the Internet has spawned a series of industry transformation. Including those not in favor of Ma Wang Jianhua also began the transition to the Internet, in the current information age, if there is no Internet, no matter what companies will fall behind other enterprises. The development of the times will eliminate some of the traditional things, if the traditional enterprises can not keep pace with the times, will be submerged in the world on the path of reform. So, in such an era of the Internet, if we do not have the traditional industry into the Internet, we lose is observed in the eyes of the world, lost wealth creation opportunities.
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