早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


(     )1. Kate likes to buy a house to live with
           her family in Guangming Road.
           Which message is she interested in?
(     )2. Michael wants to go to the hospital.
           Which information is he interested in?
(     )3. Ivy wants to have a pen pal in China.
         Which message will draw her attention?
(     )4. Molly wants to learn French.
          Which message will interest her?
(     )5. John loves animals.
         Which information will Draw his attention?

A. Do you like children? Can you help children with their homework?
    We need teachers here. Please call Allan at 020-88115278.
B. Go down Renming Road. The hospital is on your right. It's between the bank and the park.
C. If you want to see our cars here, come at 10:00 on Monday morning. We are waiting for you.
D. Do you like animals? We have all kinds of animals here. Come and see for yourself.
E. Do you want to learn English? Do you want to learn Chinese? Do you want to learn Japanese?
    We have very good language teachers here. Come and have a look.
F. Heool, my name is Chen Lina. I am Chinese. I want to have a pen pal.
G. I need to go to the United States for my further study. Anyone who interested in my house
     in Guangming Road can call me at 13938705671.

1-5     GBFED
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