请阅读以下左栏记者对5个人的采访内容,然后与右栏的网页地址相匹配。并将最佳选项的字母编号填写在指定位置上。 Every minute, millions of people around the world are online. What do they do on the Internet? A reporter from “Evening News” is interviewing some people. Here are what they have said.
| 小题1: I always watch the flash movies online. Sometimes I play the flash games online. 小题2: I often check out some book sites. I like to buy some books online , because some of the books can’t be found in bookstores. It’s great. 小题3: I often go traveling on business. To order train tickets online is much easier and faster. And I can get the tickets in my office or at home. 小题4:I talk with some friends from school; I can find them on the Internet. There is a cool new website where I can find people. So I put in a friend’s name, and there he is. 小题5: Every morning I read the news online and catch up on all the sports results. I don’t have to take newspapers to my office.
| A.http://www.train.time.cn A site about train tickets, train time and important things about train stations. | B.http://www.foodnews.com A site about the delicious foods. It introduces some famous restaurants and hotels. It introduces some famous cooks in the world. | C.http://www.bookline.com/free A site about books. You can read the books online. You can download them on your computer to read them. | D.http://www.flash8.com.cn | A site about the flash movies and flash games. There are some teaching movies to tell you how to make a flash movie. E. http://www.friendnctind.com A site about making friends online. You can find a friend on this site. You can talk with them online, watch them through the screen. F. http://www.map.com/free A site about the map of Guangzhou. It gives the newest map in Guangzhou for the GPS of the car. G. http://www.dailynews.com A site about the news around China. You can read some daily news, sports matches results and articles in blogs .
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小题1:D 小题2:C 小题3:A 小题4:E 小题5:G |
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