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Deposit architecture and mineral and metal zonation
The Wolverine deposit consists of two discrete,tabular,massive lenses,each approximately 250 m long,termed the Wolverine and Lynx zones (Fig.4A).A 200-m-long zone of semimassive,replacement sulfide and sulfide-stringer veins,named the Hump zone,separates the two massive sulfide zones (Fig.4A).The Wolverine deposit is 700 m long,at least 475 m wide,and between 1 and 10 m thick.In some localities,such as in the thickest parts of the Lynx zone,there are multiple sulfide lenses separated by 4 to 8 m of argillite or rhyolite.The deposit strikes northwest and dips approximately 30° to the northeast.The sulfide lenses pinch out on their updip edge approximately 50 m below surface,and the downdip limits (known to 500 m) have not yet been defined by exploration drilling.
Four discrete zones of sulfide stringer veins are identified at the Wolverine deposit (Fig.4B).They extend up to 13 m beneath the base of massive sulfide in the Wolverine and Hump zones.Two additional stringer zones identified on the western and southwestern updip edges of the deposit (drill holes 81 and 97; Fig.4B) may have underlain sulfide lenses that are now eroded away.Replacement-style sulfide zones typically surround and occur above and outboard of the stringer veins.Chalcopyrite is the dominant sulfide mineral in replacement zones proximal to the main stringer zones,located mainly downdip to the northeast of the Hump zone(Fig.4B).Chalcopyrite replacement zones grade into similar,but sphalerite-rich,zones on the fringes of the deposit.Such gradations occur most notably at the western updip edge of the Lynx zone and the northeastern downdip edge of both the Lynx and Wolverine zones where mineralized rock attains widths of 13 m (Fig.4B).
The distribution of Cu (Fig.5A) reflects the distribution of replacement-style mineralized rocks in the Hump zone.Conversely,Zn and Pb are concentrated in the massive layered sulfides on the fringes of the deposit (e.g.,Fig.5B,C) stratigraphically above the sulfide stringer vein and replacement zones.This is similar to the classic metal zonation observed in the Japanese Kuroko deposits (e.g.,Eldridge et al.,1983).
The semimassive sulfides display a similar lateral zoning to the massive banded sulfides with respect to copper,zinc,and lead.With the exception of localities where chalcopyrite and pyrrhotite replace other sulfide minerals at the base of the massive sulfide lenses,vertical mineral or metal zoning is not evident within the lenses.High-grade Zn-Pb-Ag zones are unevenly distributed over the width of the sulfide lenses.Such a lack of systematic vertical mineral zoning has also been recognized in the Rosebery VHMS deposit in Tasmania(Large,1992),among others.
Deposit architecture and mineral and metal zonation
The Wolverine deposit consists of two discrete,tabular,massive lenses,each approximately 250 m long,termed the Wolverine and Lynx zones (Fig.4A).A 200-m-long zone of semimassive,replacement sulfide and sulfide-stringer veins,named the Hump zone,separates the two massive sulfide zones (Fig.4A).The Wolverine deposit is 700 m long,at least 475 m wide,and between 1 and 10 m thick.In some localities,such as in the thickest parts of the Lynx zone,there are multiple sulfide lenses separated by 4 to 8 m of argillite or rhyolite.The deposit strikes northwest and dips approximately 30° to the northeast.The sulfide lenses pinch out on their updip edge approximately 50 m below surface,and the downdip limits (known to 500 m) have not yet been defined by exploration drilling.
Four discrete zones of sulfide stringer veins are identified at the Wolverine deposit (Fig.4B).They extend up to 13 m beneath the base of massive sulfide in the Wolverine and Hump zones.Two additional stringer zones identified on the western and southwestern updip edges of the deposit (drill holes 81 and 97; Fig.4B) may have underlain sulfide lenses that are now eroded away.Replacement-style sulfide zones typically surround and occur above and outboard of the stringer veins.Chalcopyrite is the dominant sulfide mineral in replacement zones proximal to the main stringer zones,located mainly downdip to the northeast of the Hump zone(Fig.4B).Chalcopyrite replacement zones grade into similar,but sphalerite-rich,zones on the fringes of the deposit.Such gradations occur most notably at the western updip edge of the Lynx zone and the northeastern downdip edge of both the Lynx and Wolverine zones where mineralized rock attains widths of 13 m (Fig.4B).
The distribution of Cu (Fig.5A) reflects the distribution of replacement-style mineralized rocks in the Hump zone.Conversely,Zn and Pb are concentrated in the massive layered sulfides on the fringes of the deposit (e.g.,Fig.5B,C) stratigraphically above the sulfide stringer vein and replacement zones.This is similar to the classic metal zonation observed in the Japanese Kuroko deposits (e.g.,Eldridge et al.,1983).
The semimassive sulfides display a similar lateral zoning to the massive banded sulfides with respect to copper,zinc,and lead.With the exception of localities where chalcopyrite and pyrrhotite replace other sulfide minerals at the base of the massive sulfide lenses,vertical mineral or metal zoning is not evident within the lenses.High-grade Zn-Pb-Ag zones are unevenly distributed over the width of the sulfide lenses.Such a lack of systematic vertical mineral zoning has also been recognized in the Rosebery VHMS deposit in Tasmania(Large,1992),among others.
Deposit architecture and mineral and metal zonation
The Wolverine deposit consists of two discrete,tabular,massive lenses,each approximately 250 m long,termed the Wolverine and Lynx zones (Fig.4A).A 200-m-long zone of semimassive,replacement sulfide and sulfide-stringer veins,named the Hump zone,separates the two massive sulfide zones (Fig.4A).The Wolverine deposit is 700 m long,at least 475 m wide,and between 1 and 10 m thick.In some localities,such as in the thickest parts of the Lynx zone,there are multiple sulfide lenses separated by 4 to 8 m of argillite or rhyolite.The deposit strikes northwest and dips approximately 30° to the northeast.The sulfide lenses pinch out on their up dip edge approximately 50 m below surface,and the down dip limits (known to 500 m) have not yet been defined by exploration drilling.
Four discrete zones of sulfide stringer veins are identified at the Wolverine deposit (Fig.4B).They extend up to 13 m beneath the base of massive sulfide in the Wolverine and Hump zones.Two additional stringer zones identified on the western and southwestern updip edges of the deposit (drill holes 81 and 97; Fig.4B) may have underlain sulfide lenses that are now eroded away.Replacement-style sulfide zones typically surround and occur above and outboard of the stringer veins.Chalcopyrite is the dominant sulfide mineral in replacement zones proximal to the main stringer zones,located mainly downdip to the northeast of the Hump zone(Fig.4B).Chalcopyrite replacement zones grade into similar,but sphalerite-rich,zones on the fringes of the deposit.Such gradations occur most notably at the western updip edge of the Lynx zone and the northeastern downdip edge of both the Lynx and Wolverine zones where mineralized rock attains widths of 13 m (Fig.4B).
The distribution of Cu (Fig.5A) reflects the distribution of replacement-style mineralized rocks in the Hump zone.Conversely,Zn and Pb are concentrated in the massive layered sulfides on the fringes of the deposit (e.g.,Fig.5B,C) stratigraphically above the sulfide stringer vein and replacement zones.This is similar to the classic metal zonation observed in the Japanese Kuroko deposits (e.g.,Eldridge et al.,1983).
The semimassive sulfides display a similar lateral zoning to the massive banded sulfides with respect to copper,zinc,and lead.With the exception of localities where chalcopyrite and pyrrhotite replace other sulfide minerals at the base of the massive sulfide lenses,vertical mineral or metal zoning is not evident within the lenses.High-grade Zn-Pb-Ag zones are unevenly distributed over the width of the sulfide lenses.Such a lack of systematic vertical mineral zoning has also been recognized in the Rosebery VHMS deposit in Tasmania(Large,1992),among others.
The Wolverine deposit consists of two discrete,tabular,massive lenses,each approximately 250 m long,termed the Wolverine and Lynx zones (Fig.4A).A 200-m-long zone of semimassive,replacement sulfide and sulfide-stringer veins,named the Hump zone,separates the two massive sulfide zones (Fig.4A).The Wolverine deposit is 700 m long,at least 475 m wide,and between 1 and 10 m thick.In some localities,such as in the thickest parts of the Lynx zone,there are multiple sulfide lenses separated by 4 to 8 m of argillite or rhyolite.The deposit strikes northwest and dips approximately 30° to the northeast.The sulfide lenses pinch out on their up dip edge approximately 50 m below surface,and the down dip limits (known to 500 m) have not yet been defined by exploration drilling.
Four discrete zones of sulfide stringer veins are identified at the Wolverine deposit (Fig.4B).They extend up to 13 m beneath the base of massive sulfide in the Wolverine and Hump zones.Two additional stringer zones identified on the western and southwestern updip edges of the deposit (drill holes 81 and 97; Fig.4B) may have underlain sulfide lenses that are now eroded away.Replacement-style sulfide zones typically surround and occur above and outboard of the stringer veins.Chalcopyrite is the dominant sulfide mineral in replacement zones proximal to the main stringer zones,located mainly downdip to the northeast of the Hump zone(Fig.4B).Chalcopyrite replacement zones grade into similar,but sphalerite-rich,zones on the fringes of the deposit.Such gradations occur most notably at the western updip edge of the Lynx zone and the northeastern downdip edge of both the Lynx and Wolverine zones where mineralized rock attains widths of 13 m (Fig.4B).
The distribution of Cu (Fig.5A) reflects the distribution of replacement-style mineralized rocks in the Hump zone.Conversely,Zn and Pb are concentrated in the massive layered sulfides on the fringes of the deposit (e.g.,Fig.5B,C) stratigraphically above the sulfide stringer vein and replacement zones.This is similar to the classic metal zonation observed in the Japanese Kuroko deposits (e.g.,Eldridge et al.,1983).
The semimassive sulfides display a similar lateral zoning to the massive banded sulfides with respect to copper,zinc,and lead.With the exception of localities where chalcopyrite and pyrrhotite replace other sulfide minerals at the base of the massive sulfide lenses,vertical mineral or metal zoning is not evident within the lenses.High-grade Zn-Pb-Ag zones are unevenly distributed over the width of the sulfide lenses.Such a lack of systematic vertical mineral zoning has also been recognized in the Rosebery VHMS deposit in Tasmania(Large,1992),among others.
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