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Cute pig Wilbur (Dominic Tekai Yi Ke Sike dubbing) was born in a happy clusters of farms. There are geese, cattle, sheep, poultry, such as a large number of partners, but also from generation to generation "indigenous people" such as the mole vole good neighbors. But when it came to the world's first day on the mind of worry about one thing - because it knows that poultry as a pig that he one day would become the dinner table bacon or sausage. Fortunately, Fortunately, Wilbur met with the same lovely and kind-hearted farmer's daughter Finn (Ta Fenning Dracula), but also to have their favorite Canada and begged his father to give her cute pig done Personal pet to feed. Since then, the well-being of Wilbur also have their own umbrella and a good friend. Since then, grew up in the pig Wilbur, the farm gradually became acquainted with more good partners: Mrs. goose goose (Oprah Winfrey voice) and Mr. Gregory geese, goats old Samuel, small Stamp little mouse (voice of Steve Bush Micronesia), white Ma Yike (Robert Redford voice) ... ... which Wilbur favorite, is on the door every day at the beauty of the spider spun the web Charolais Special (Julia Roberts dubbing). Happy Every day that goes by, more and more weight Wilbur. One day, the old goat Samuel brought a terrible news - farmers Yilaboer Mr. (Kevin Anderson), plans to Wilbur as Christmas dinner this year, the main course of the sword ... ... 原文意思: 可爱的小猪威尔伯(多米尼克·斯科特·凯伊配音)出生在一个快乐丛生的农场。这里有鹅、牛、羊等为数众多的家禽伙伴,还有世代的“土著民”鼹鼠田鼠等好邻居。可是,当它来到这个世界的第一天起,心里就对一件事情担心不已——因为它知道,作为家禽猪的一员,自己总有一天,会变成饭桌上的熏肉或香肠。还好,幸运的威尔伯遇到了善良且同样可爱的农场主的小女儿芬恩(达寇塔·芬宁),而且对自己喜爱有加,央求父亲把可爱的小猪送给她做了贴身宠物来喂养。幸福的威尔伯也从此有了自己的保护伞和好朋友。此后,长大了的小猪威尔伯,渐渐地在农场结识了更多的好伙伴:鹅太太古斯(奥普拉·温弗瑞配音)和鹅先生高利、老山羊塞缪尔、小老鼠坦普利特(史蒂夫·布希密配音)、白马艾克(罗伯特·雷德福配音)……其中威尔伯最喜欢的,就是每天在门框上织网的美女蜘蛛夏洛特(朱莉娅·罗伯茨配音)。快乐的日子一天天过去,威尔伯也越来越胖了。有一天,老山羊塞缪尔带来一个可怕的消息--农场主艾拉伯尔先生(凯文·安德森),计划把威尔伯当作今年圣诞大餐的主菜剑……