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Crow son beard together:Belong to west city area 什刹 sea street.The southeast rises stone stone tablet a beard together,and tobacco pouch the inclined street connect with each other;The northwest goes to a sweet dew beard together.The dollar generation calls to follow a son beard together,for empress sea the north follow.The Ming Dynasty calls to turn temple street widely.The Manchu dynasty takes to follow a son beard together,the homophonic calls a duck beard together,crow son the beard is together a just yellow ensign boundary.Has been following to call.Have city class a cultural object protection unit to turn a temple widely.Beard together inside the No.6 hospital is past for 萧 soldier to reside.
The crow son beard is together a very long beard which locates west city area in Peking City together.At first duck beard together,Ming Dynasty is called to turn temple street widely,in the early Ching dynasty hour because the beard locates the north of the 后 sea to follow together,as a result is called "follow son beard together" is spread by the 讹 for the duck beard with the 后 together,the city hall of 后 Peking restructures a beard to change the duck as crow with name in 1949,being called crow son a beard together.Crow son beard together east head a stone bridge-silver ingot bridge which is the most well-known inside city in Peking,the whole crow son beard together along the north shore of the sea of 什刹 winds around to face west,is north with 后 sea to follow parallelism,had been extending till the west of the 后 sea follow of sweet dew beard together,beard's growing 820 meters together and all are a longer beard in city in Pekings together it a.
At the crow son all growing to be close to one kilometer beard together up distribute a lot of people past reside:Turn a temple widely such as the Ming Dynasty past 刹 ;Once was a 醇 prince Sung of the mansion celebrated an age past reside;Writer 萧 soldier of past reside-"the 蜗蜗 reside" wait.
Turn a temple to set up widely in clear ten thousand through the years,the pure and salty and plentiful year rebuilds,is one of the old city famous temples,the people is early in the late Ching dynasty,the government is turning a temple to raise to set up teacher library(call nation library in China now) in the city widely,until the library just moves to turn a temple widely in 1917.Currently turn a temple widely is cultural object protection in Peking City unit,Buddhism association in Peking City transacts ground,usuallyOrganize a Buddhism activity.
蜗蜗'S residing has already moved to get empty now,the its destiny ream person clenches heart
Barely discernable old door plate 蜗蜗's residing is writer 萧 the soldier takes with No.6 the small building of the hospital in the crow son beard for oneself of name,since 1951 until die,the 萧 soldier stayed in this wood 构 two layers of western small buildings for livelong 37 years.In the 蜗蜗 reside,the 萧 soldier writes to lead novel 《the mineral mountain of May 》,《Wu more spring autumn history words 》,《the third generation 》and the letter gather 《the 鲁 fast book Chien's annotation 》,《the 萧 red book Chien's annotation 》the work of etc.millions word,once experienced a Cultural Revolution period as well of unexpected calamity.The 萧 soldier is past to occupy to is cultural object in Peking City protection unit currently,but up to 2005 beginning of years,this two layers of small buildings already move empty,crow son beard together No.6 hospital of other the buildings be also mostly tored down,have haven't moved of residents inside the hospital speak,this small hospital already was thought far it by the distance the female buy next,soon the 蜗蜗 reside and then will be tored down.This cultural object protection in Peking City unit future destiny ream person may sorrow.
Develop to the whole business of 后 sea along with west city area 什刹 Haiti area commission in Peking City in recent years,the whole 后 sea littoral becomes Peking after three inside 屯 bar the second bar of the 后 of the street come together area,crow son beard together set up scenery because of facing lake beautiful,a lot of houses are changed to set up for the bar,华 ocean the miscellaneous place is all day long disturbingly noisy,again don't reply that year quiet the 匿 indifferent prospects
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