早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
Mr. Wu Guanzhong is the academic banner of the China Academy of Art, following Mr. Lin Fengmian carry forward the spirit of the China Academy of Art and the formation of the artists of the generation of performance. His art is a peak in the Western integration on the road such as Mr. Lin Fengmian pioneered.
Wu Guanzhong's art facility and West, is the spectacle of contemporary Chinese art scene. Ink painting in China, Mr. Wu strive era new; painting and other art forms, he committed to the creation of national characteristics. These two aspects go very far, but at the core of yet uphold the unique Chinese "poetic" and "like a heart" to the same. In these areas has shown the spirit of exploration and excellent quality, he left us this day and age the most important artistic heritage. Wu Guanzhong once said, "imitation is not art, children and the parrot only parrot. Integration of the ideal with the breakthrough in Chinese culture as a fundamental "oil painting" and "Ink modernization" of the "cross-language practice out of the one goes hand in hand, land and water and hardships extraordinary road.
Points and his favorite Northland scenery depicts the magnificent northern China natural scenes, the integration of the color harmony of the delicate Chinese ink and Western oil painting. In addition masterpiece "Three Gorges" Lu Xun's hometown.
Wu Guanzhong's art facility and West, is the spectacle of contemporary Chinese art scene. Ink painting in China, Mr. Wu strive era new; painting and other art forms, he committed to the creation of national characteristics. These two aspects go very far, but at the core of yet uphold the unique Chinese "poetic" and "like a heart" to the same. In these areas has shown the spirit of exploration and excellent quality, he left us this day and age the most important artistic heritage. Wu Guanzhong once said, "imitation is not art, children and the parrot only parrot. Integration of the ideal with the breakthrough in Chinese culture as a fundamental "oil painting" and "Ink modernization" of the "cross-language practice out of the one goes hand in hand, land and water and hardships extraordinary road.
Points and his favorite Northland scenery depicts the magnificent northern China natural scenes, the integration of the color harmony of the delicate Chinese ink and Western oil painting. In addition masterpiece "Three Gorges" Lu Xun's hometown.
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