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马赛公路masai road、迎宾桥Welcome Bridge、渡船码头dock、亲水长廊hydrophilia Corridor、鸳鸯戏水mandarin duck paddle、游船码头yacht landing、鸵鸟园ostrich garden、神树岭the sacred tree Ling、千尺潭Qian Chi pool、飞花瀑布flying waterfalls、晚风亭wanfeng pavilion、桃花坞taohua house、青山树林forest、河道riverway、游客步道tourist footpath、山道alpine road
马赛公路 Marseille Highway 迎宾桥 Welcomes guests the bridge
渡船码头 Ferryboat wharf 亲水长廊 Water affinity corridor
鸳鸯戏水 The mandarin duck plays with water
游船码头 Pleasure boat wharf 鸵鸟园 Ostrich garden
神树岭 God tree range 千尺潭 Thousand feet deep pools
飞花瀑布 Fly waterfall 晚风亭 Night breeze pavilion
桃花坞 Peach blossom shipyard
青山树林 Green hill woods 河道 River course
游客步道 Tourist footpath 山道 Mountain road