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chance words
不知是chance word 还是chance word,
原句:If a man’s thinking leads him to question the ideas and customs which regulate the behaviour of those around him,to reject beliefs which they hold,and to see better ways of life than those they follow,it is almost impossible for him,if he is convinced of the truth of his own reasoning,not to betray by silence,CHANCE WORDS,or general attitude that he is different from them and does not share their opinions.
不知是chance word 还是chance word,
原句:If a man’s thinking leads him to question the ideas and customs which regulate the behaviour of those around him,to reject beliefs which they hold,and to see better ways of life than those they follow,it is almost impossible for him,if he is convinced of the truth of his own reasoning,not to betray by silence,CHANCE WORDS,or general attitude that he is different from them and does not share their opinions.
答案补充:CHANCE WORDS is an activity inspired by artist Tristan Tzara’s recipe for making a Dada poem.大概就是把报纸上的一篇文章剪下,然后把文章中每个词分别剪下,将所有单词碎片装在一个袋子里,然后随机抽取,按照自己的思维路线,将这些词组成一篇新的文章.所谓chance word我想指的就是随机抽取的过程吧~抽取什么词都是take a chance.
答案补充:CHANCE WORDS is an activity inspired by artist Tristan Tzara’s recipe for making a Dada poem.大概就是把报纸上的一篇文章剪下,然后把文章中每个词分别剪下,将所有单词碎片装在一个袋子里,然后随机抽取,按照自己的思维路线,将这些词组成一篇新的文章.所谓chance word我想指的就是随机抽取的过程吧~抽取什么词都是take a chance.
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