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In spring,the weather is warm and humid.Most of the days are rainy.It is suitable for the growth of plants.Many beautiful flowers will appear at that time
In summer,it is very hot.The temperature is very high.We like swimming and eating ice-cream to cmofort ourselves.Moreover,there are some typhoo and rainstorms too.Remenber to bring your umberlla when you go out.
In autumn,it is very cool.The weather is good and suitable for picnic.However,autumn is usually very short,so please enjoy the treasable moment.
In winter,it is extreme cold.there may be snow too!In fact,it is very dry too!Many peopel catch a cold at this season,we should take cae ourselves.
四季(Four seasons)
Spring is beautiful.It lasts from March to May.The days get longer,the nights get shorter,and the weather gets warmer.Everything begins to grow.Grass and trees begin to turn green.Flowers begin to come out.Children begin to fly kites outdoors.collected by ii63•com
Summer is best of the year.It’s the hottest season in the year.It last from June to August.People try to find a cool place then.They always go swimming in pools and eat tasty ice-creams.
Fall is the harvest season.It gets cool.Farmers begin to gather in food.They’re busy from September to November.So fall is a golden season!Collected By II63•com
The coldest season of the year is winter.It’s from about December to February.The days are short and the nights are long.When it snows,winter is a white world,It’s very pretty!And that makes children happy.They make a snowman and dance round it.They go skating as well.
I love all season.Because thy are all beautiful!
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