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                                             Pumpkin pie(南瓜馅饼) is a taste of home
     To the average American pumpkin pie is a tasty and wonderful dish(一道菜). You couldn't have
Thanksgiving without it.
     For me however the smell of pumpkin pie baking in the oven brings other special feelings. My father was
in the army so I moved house constantly as a child. I had no hometown. Before I could go to school or make
friends in one town I'd be setting in another.
     There were so few things around me to give a feeling of home. When you're young you don't know the
difference-you think moving is normal. It's only a long time later when you learn that most people have a
hometown they can return to and friends they've always known but you don't. pumpkin pie was the one thing
that was always there and that's why it's special to me.
     Another reason I like it is that I was born on Halloween October 31. Every time my birthday came around we made a giant pumpkin lantern. And why give a kid a cake when there was all that pumpkin to use in a pie?
My mom put on her apron (围裙) and before long pumpkin pie was the centerpiece of the party.
     Now I can't help but feel good about life whenever I eat pumpkin pie. To me pumpkin pie is home.
1.The story mainly talks about _____.
A. why people celebrate Thanksgiving every year
B. why pumpkin pie is a popular dish on Thanksgiving
C. why the writer likes pumpkin pie so much
D. why people can't have Thanksgiving without pumpkin pie
2. Pumpkin pie is"home" to the writer because _____.
A. his father was in the army so he moved house constantly as a child
B. he likes pumpkin pie so much that he eats it every Thanksgiving
C. he didn't have a settled home but he always ate Pumpkin pie wherever he went
D. he eats pumpkin pie on his birthday every year
3. Which of the following is NOT the reason why the writer likes pumpkin pie?
A. Pumpkin pie is the traditional food of Thanksgiving.
B. Pumpkin pie is a tasty and wonderful dish.
C. The writer always eats pumpkin pie on his birthday.
D. Pumpkin pie reminds the writer of home.
4. Which is the correct meaning about the underlined word "centerpiece" in paragraph 4?
A. A kind of decoration for the center of a table.
B. The most important item in dishes.
C. A works with great skills.
D. A common dish.
1-4: CCAB
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