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Amidst the promenade is the construction of the one and only Jiangnan Water Town, is a unique scenery line. The so-called rain Gallery, is actually with the top of the street. Lang Peng Xitang together with the unique Zhuo about grace attract foreign tourists. The streets of Xitang mostly covered with roofs, the merchant trade, the pedestrian passing without the sun and rain worries. Langpeng along the river side of some of the sea with bench, for pedestrians. Langpeng mostly brick wood structure, the general 2-2.5 meters wide, centered in the North Gate Street, South Gate Street, south of Dai and other commercial area, length of 1000 meters, which can shade and can shelter from the rain. The most characteristic, is Kanawha who, in the quiet of the dawn dusk time, walking in the corridor canopy, only own heartbeat and some very nostalgic mood.
Langpeng South Dai, hundreds of years, on both sides of the expanse UVA, shadow sink in front of the river water, blowing a gust of wind, static shadow wet ink like bright scattered light do. Such a place, can swim, can be in. Assume that the leaning against the railing to pause for window month Ying water, think of the past. Time went by., Nanshe friends in the porch of the poem and wine music, early into the descendants of laughing. Think of the ability, can not help but find no way out. Walk in the corridors booths in Xitang, there will be heart faint sad growth. The shops here was like many years ago that operates. These old shops seemed to be wiped clean of old furniture, although it is very old, but still quite normal operation, full of vitality, to tell people they are still in play their role as the.
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