早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
The back of the building in the north towards the south,in central axis,and a total of three yards,and the east and the west side of the house.More than 30 houses of the very order of configuration,planning is also very fine.
Construction workers in the past to build walls and build housing,the first line of falling through to the construction method to find a balance.In leveling the ground for a benchmark,falling on lines perpendicular to check whether the benchmark.To benchmark for the center,the appropriate length of the radius of a circle with a round planning.And sunset shots at the time of impact intersect at two points.These two points of connection is the east-west direction of the line.
Construction workers in the past to build walls and build housing,the first line of falling through to the construction method to find a balance.In leveling the ground for a benchmark,falling on lines perpendicular to check whether the benchmark.To benchmark for the center,the appropriate length of the radius of a circle with a round planning.And sunset shots at the time of impact intersect at two points.These two points of connection is the east-west direction of the line.
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