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Bob bought a furby at the Cici store,but when he opened the box he found that his furby only had one leg.So he went back to the store to have it exchanged.The shop assistant asked Bob:“What can I do for you?” Bob said:“I bought this furby yesterday and just found out what a garbage it is!Look,it only has one leg.I want to exchange it to a better one.” The shop assistant looked at the furby,and said:“Oh,it looks like that you broke its leg.In that case,we cannot exchange this one.” Bob was very mad,said:“What do you mean I broke off its leg?It came with only one leg.You think I have nothing to do but breaking off furby’s legs?Let me tell you this,if you don’t exchange this furby for me,I’m going to break off its head and show it to your manager.” Seeing that Bob was really upset,the shop assistant agreed to give Bob two additional furbies for free just to make him happy.
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