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Lotus street,north of jinan FuXue Confucian temple,south to QuanCheng Road,lotus spring the name in the street,432 meters long,an average of about 6 meters wide,is the old street of jinan city,one of the most famous snack street,has been hailed as a "qilu first snack street".
The old street in jinan,the lotus is probably the most bustling street.Many vendors,according to a pool or co.To each side of the road all over China,Europe and the United States,Japan and South Korea...All kinds of snacks full of beautiful things in eyes.Lotus street keep every day.Compared to most of the big star silent old street,the lotus old street is full of vitality.
Is determined by its location:south the bustling QuanCheng Road middle,north to west tracery Wall Street nankou,a lot of people coming and going,not busy.
The old street in jinan,the lotus is probably the most bustling street.Many vendors,according to a pool or co.To each side of the road all over China,Europe and the United States,Japan and South Korea...All kinds of snacks full of beautiful things in eyes.Lotus street keep every day.Compared to most of the big star silent old street,the lotus old street is full of vitality.
Is determined by its location:south the bustling QuanCheng Road middle,north to west tracery Wall Street nankou,a lot of people coming and going,not busy.
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