早教吧作业答案频道 -->其他-->
Only in the spring and summer, hot days when students can relax, because the old gentleman to eat lunch to nap sleep, dark hut would ring him.
Snore. Most of the time, the children were whispering, romp, draw some practical joke picture passed, secretly laughing to see a fly in the old first
Students open jaw buzzing of flies around, will fly into the old man's mouth each bet. But the old man suddenly opened his eyes when he
Often like all of a sudden did not fall asleep like open your eyes they unsuspectingly unaware of it, at this time, he took up his fan at
The head, either the head. Heard the banging and the children's shouts his big fan, the neighbors will say: "this is a very good man."
This is why Wang Long chose this school to let the sons to go to school.
The first day he took the boys go to school and go in front of them, because the father and son were walking is not appropriate. He used a piece of blue handkerchief full
Fresh egg with a handkerchief, to the school when he put the egg is filial piety to the old mr.. Wang Long see the old man's big glasses, his long,
Fat black gown, and his winter also had a big fan, feel some fear, he in the old gentleman bowed, and said: "Sir, this is my two good-for-nothing children. Head stupid, do not understand. So, I mean, you have to really flogging, ask them to read
The book." The two boys stood there, looking at the other children on the bench, those children stared at them one's pupils do not turn.
Left two children one home, Wang Long proud to be wild with joy, he felt, in that room all children, no one better than him
Two children so tall and strong, also did not have the kind of black a face. He walked through the gate with village neighbor, his back
Answer the question that person: "today I came back from my son's school." The surprising answer is he seemed to pay no heed to. "Now I don't want them to work in the field, let them to learn a very learned man." As he walked he said to himself: "if the big son good performance in learning, I would not be surprised!" from then on, the two boys is not called "big boy" and "two small", but by the old gentleman gave them their name. The old gentleman of their father's work, for his sons took the two names: big name Nongan, called the small farm, the first word of each in the name of the mean wealth coming from the land.
Snore. Most of the time, the children were whispering, romp, draw some practical joke picture passed, secretly laughing to see a fly in the old first
Students open jaw buzzing of flies around, will fly into the old man's mouth each bet. But the old man suddenly opened his eyes when he
Often like all of a sudden did not fall asleep like open your eyes they unsuspectingly unaware of it, at this time, he took up his fan at
The head, either the head. Heard the banging and the children's shouts his big fan, the neighbors will say: "this is a very good man."
This is why Wang Long chose this school to let the sons to go to school.
The first day he took the boys go to school and go in front of them, because the father and son were walking is not appropriate. He used a piece of blue handkerchief full
Fresh egg with a handkerchief, to the school when he put the egg is filial piety to the old mr.. Wang Long see the old man's big glasses, his long,
Fat black gown, and his winter also had a big fan, feel some fear, he in the old gentleman bowed, and said: "Sir, this is my two good-for-nothing children. Head stupid, do not understand. So, I mean, you have to really flogging, ask them to read
The book." The two boys stood there, looking at the other children on the bench, those children stared at them one's pupils do not turn.
Left two children one home, Wang Long proud to be wild with joy, he felt, in that room all children, no one better than him
Two children so tall and strong, also did not have the kind of black a face. He walked through the gate with village neighbor, his back
Answer the question that person: "today I came back from my son's school." The surprising answer is he seemed to pay no heed to. "Now I don't want them to work in the field, let them to learn a very learned man." As he walked he said to himself: "if the big son good performance in learning, I would not be surprised!" from then on, the two boys is not called "big boy" and "two small", but by the old gentleman gave them their name. The old gentleman of their father's work, for his sons took the two names: big name Nongan, called the small farm, the first word of each in the name of the mean wealth coming from the land.
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