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厄内斯特 海明威的写作特点,用英文,请知道的10min内作答,谢
In all the great American writer,Ernest Hemingway in a unique writing style is known.In all of his works,"Old Man and the Sea" can best reflect his unique writing style and approach.This seemingly simple natural language novels,in fact,includes the author's meticulous rendering processing and figured out later.Sometimes in order to highlight a certain part,the author will replace the phrase used long sentences.In the real content of the dialogue,to life,and the expression of the arts after processing.Simple natural language novel hidden behind a deep and emotional significance.Wen also used the analogy,to be persons of rhetorical tactics.Also the reputation of this unique style and his experience as a journalist on,and he and the head of each dish,self-contained,formed its own unique and creative ways Artistic style.This style of the literary world as a whole have an important impact.
"Old Man and the Sea" in the novel use of a large number of facts,most of them from the author personally experienced.Hemingway on these facts carefully selected so as to attract readers and the readers interested in a realistic feeling.Novels starting with a large number of facts about the main character living environment,natural concise narrative style,without any emotional.As the plot development,a large number of facts are mainly used in the psychological activities of the main character,not by the author to the main narrative.At the same time,these facts constitute the entire novel system an indispensable part of.
"Old Man and the Sea" in the novel use of a large number of facts,most of them from the author personally experienced.Hemingway on these facts carefully selected so as to attract readers and the readers interested in a realistic feeling.Novels starting with a large number of facts about the main character living environment,natural concise narrative style,without any emotional.As the plot development,a large number of facts are mainly used in the psychological activities of the main character,not by the author to the main narrative.At the same time,these facts constitute the entire novel system an indispensable part of.
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