早教吧作业答案频道 -->其他-->
My Self-Recommendation Letter
Your Honour,
I regard it an honour for me to have read about the information issued by yours at NGO Infornation Centre which is for recruiting on-line promotion coordinators. In the notice the descriptions of the related posts as well as the brief introduction of the foundation have imposed a deep imrpession upon me, and I believe that is the very career I am willing to engage myself in.
Honestly speaking, I have always been friendly to animals. Whether it is a stray cat or a dog which unfortunately got lost, I can get along with it very well. I am convinced that animals are part of nature and good friends of human beings in that they are equal to us before God.
Three years' work experiences along with years of serving as a free-lance contributor for a radio station have offered me the occasions to sharpen my writing skill and the ability of skillfully making use of various word-processing and picture-processing devices, while years of on-line life experiences got me to understand the potential of TMT and deeply feel the extraordinary value of the long tail effect, which further cemented my belief that the internet has become an indispensable factor of human life.
Meanwhile, i am a lively, kind-hearted, self-reliable and persevering girl and enshrine the philosophy that sincerity and enthusiasm make effective inter-personal communication and furthermore devotion as well as forgiveness leads to a long-term career. I have wide range of interests and hobbies and am full of passions of life with a long history of being a devoted social worker and a firm follower of public welfare organizations.
It is clear that I have weaknesses and disadvatages and cannot meet all the requirements of IFAW, but I am confident that based upon my inborn love for animals and my 100% consentment to the ultimate goals of IFAW, I am resolved to adapt myself to the new work as soon as I can so as to grow into a qualified on-line promotion coordinator. I am determined to shoulder more responsibilitis in IFAW.
I am eager to be a member of IFAW and am looking forward to an opportunity to have a face-to-face exchange of ideas.
Yours sincerely,
Your Honour,
I regard it an honour for me to have read about the information issued by yours at NGO Infornation Centre which is for recruiting on-line promotion coordinators. In the notice the descriptions of the related posts as well as the brief introduction of the foundation have imposed a deep imrpession upon me, and I believe that is the very career I am willing to engage myself in.
Honestly speaking, I have always been friendly to animals. Whether it is a stray cat or a dog which unfortunately got lost, I can get along with it very well. I am convinced that animals are part of nature and good friends of human beings in that they are equal to us before God.
Three years' work experiences along with years of serving as a free-lance contributor for a radio station have offered me the occasions to sharpen my writing skill and the ability of skillfully making use of various word-processing and picture-processing devices, while years of on-line life experiences got me to understand the potential of TMT and deeply feel the extraordinary value of the long tail effect, which further cemented my belief that the internet has become an indispensable factor of human life.
Meanwhile, i am a lively, kind-hearted, self-reliable and persevering girl and enshrine the philosophy that sincerity and enthusiasm make effective inter-personal communication and furthermore devotion as well as forgiveness leads to a long-term career. I have wide range of interests and hobbies and am full of passions of life with a long history of being a devoted social worker and a firm follower of public welfare organizations.
It is clear that I have weaknesses and disadvatages and cannot meet all the requirements of IFAW, but I am confident that based upon my inborn love for animals and my 100% consentment to the ultimate goals of IFAW, I am resolved to adapt myself to the new work as soon as I can so as to grow into a qualified on-line promotion coordinator. I am determined to shoulder more responsibilitis in IFAW.
I am eager to be a member of IFAW and am looking forward to an opportunity to have a face-to-face exchange of ideas.
Yours sincerely,
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