早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
In 40,the first world war wounds has
not been smooth,the Second World War was raging,although the United States
because of the geographical location of the days of High Emperor far,not at war
center of generation,but with the Pearl Harbor incident,the United States of
America into the war,war has become a topic of Hollywood can not avoid it in
the vortex of war.And shadow lingering in the minds of people.
In this
background,the birth of a few to love as the carrier of indictment of the
conduct of the war movies.
The difference between them may only in ending or manner or deep extent,have a more direct war,more broken
not been smooth,the Second World War was raging,although the United States
because of the geographical location of the days of High Emperor far,not at war
center of generation,but with the Pearl Harbor incident,the United States of
America into the war,war has become a topic of Hollywood can not avoid it in
the vortex of war.And shadow lingering in the minds of people.
In this
background,the birth of a few to love as the carrier of indictment of the
conduct of the war movies.
The difference between them may only in ending or manner or deep extent,have a more direct war,more broken
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