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为什么没有和 orange 押韵的词?
听起来朗朗上口的短语乃至很多商标都是押头韵,像 Coca Cola,Final Fantasy,Mickey Mouse,还有 World Wide Web,Tic Tac Toe.汉语实际上也有很多头韵,连绵词所谓「双声」其实就是头韵:鸳鸯,忐忑.
The repetition of consonants or of a consonant pattern,especially at the ends of words,as in blank and think or strong and string.现代常见的头韵都是以位于音节之首的辅音押韵,故而头韵实际上是辅音韵的一种特殊情况.
Assonance:类韵 / 谐元韵[3]
The repetition of identical or similar vowel sounds,especially in stressed syllables,with changes in the intervening consonants,as in the phrase tilting at windmills.与辅音韵对应的就是重复元音押韵.《窈窕淑女》里面 The rain in spain falls mainly in the plain 就是谐元韵.
而通常口语所说的两个词「rhyme」就是指「押尾韵」了,一般是指词尾的一个或几个音节完全相同.词尾单独的一个重音音节相同称为 masculine rhyme,比如 sky / fly,这也最接近汉语的押韵概念;而一个重音音节之后的所有音节都相同叫做 feminine rhyme,比如 ocean / motion.
但题目里所谓「和 orange 押韵」实际上是特指 perfect rhyme / true rhyme 或者叫 full rhyme 这种押韵方法,顾名思义,它要求押韵押得很「完美」[4]:
Rhyme in which the final accented vowel and all succeeding consonants or syllables are identical,while the preceding consonants are different,for example,great,late; rider,beside her; dutiful,unbeautiful.Also called full rhyme,true rhyme.
所以orange 跟 hinge 并不是 perfect rhyme,两者重音的位置不一样.
The repetition of consonants or of a consonant pattern,especially at the ends of words,as in blank and think or strong and string.现代常见的头韵都是以位于音节之首的辅音押韵,故而头韵实际上是辅音韵的一种特殊情况.
Assonance:类韵 / 谐元韵[3]
The repetition of identical or similar vowel sounds,especially in stressed syllables,with changes in the intervening consonants,as in the phrase tilting at windmills.与辅音韵对应的就是重复元音押韵.《窈窕淑女》里面 The rain in spain falls mainly in the plain 就是谐元韵.
而通常口语所说的两个词「rhyme」就是指「押尾韵」了,一般是指词尾的一个或几个音节完全相同.词尾单独的一个重音音节相同称为 masculine rhyme,比如 sky / fly,这也最接近汉语的押韵概念;而一个重音音节之后的所有音节都相同叫做 feminine rhyme,比如 ocean / motion.
但题目里所谓「和 orange 押韵」实际上是特指 perfect rhyme / true rhyme 或者叫 full rhyme 这种押韵方法,顾名思义,它要求押韵押得很「完美」[4]:
Rhyme in which the final accented vowel and all succeeding consonants or syllables are identical,while the preceding consonants are different,for example,great,late; rider,beside her; dutiful,unbeautiful.Also called full rhyme,true rhyme.
所以orange 跟 hinge 并不是 perfect rhyme,两者重音的位置不一样.
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