早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
心平何劳持戒 行直何用修禅
恩则孝养父母 义则上下相怜
让则尊卑和睦 忍则众恶无喧
若能钻木出火 淤泥定生红莲
苦口的是良药 逆耳必是忠言
改过必生智慧 护短心内非贤
日用常行饶益 成道非由施钱
菩提只向心觅 何劳向外求玄
听说依此修行 天堂只在目前
心平何劳持戒 行直何用修禅
恩则孝养父母 义则上下相怜
让则尊卑和睦 忍则众恶无喧
若能钻木出火 淤泥定生红莲
苦口的是良药 逆耳必是忠言
改过必生智慧 护短心内非贤
日用常行饶益 成道非由施钱
菩提只向心觅 何劳向外求玄
听说依此修行 天堂只在目前
With calm mind what precept need you bind?
With honest deed why not leave Zen behind?
In gratitude be filial to father and mother,
In righteousness be loyal to subordinate and superior.
With modesty each is content with his place,
With tolerance one shows strength with grace.
The will that bores wood to fetch fire,
Can also grow the red lotus from mire.
Bitter pills are often good medicine,
Unpleasant words one must always listen.
Wisdom arises from mending faulty ways,
Evasion is what a feeble mind betrays.
One learns the most in daily function,
Never can Buddhahood be reached from benefaction.
Bodhi is only found within the mind:
Why look outside for a mystic find?
Mark and follow this advice
Paradise is right before your eyes.
With calm mind what precept need you bind?
With honest deed why not leave Zen behind?
In gratitude be filial to father and mother,
In righteousness be loyal to subordinate and superior.
With modesty each is content with his place,
With tolerance one shows strength with grace.
The will that bores wood to fetch fire,
Can also grow the red lotus from mire.
Bitter pills are often good medicine,
Unpleasant words one must always listen.
Wisdom arises from mending faulty ways,
Evasion is what a feeble mind betrays.
One learns the most in daily function,
Never can Buddhahood be reached from benefaction.
Bodhi is only found within the mind:
Why look outside for a mystic find?
Mark and follow this advice
Paradise is right before your eyes.
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