早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
"Looking at Infinity over the Grim Reaper's Shoulder"
"Shinigami no Katagoshi ni Eien wo Miru" (死神の肩越しに永远をみる)
After trying to kill Victorique, the Brian Roscoe who was with her fell
from a cliff and was seriously injured, while his brother died with
Cordelia in Sauville. Victorique saved him and took him to the port
where they were found by Grevil who had orders to capture them, but lets
them escape instead. In a boat leaving the country, Brian states to
Victorique that Cordelia was the kind of mother he and his brother
always wanted, and was envious of Cordelia's love for her. Begging her
to keep living for her mother's sake, he passes on. She is then
approached by Jupiter Roget, who was bringing with him Kujo's letters to
her. After the war ends, the academy is reopened, Grevil, who had now
paid his debt to Victorique, sports his old hairstyle again, and Kujo
returns safely to a war-torn Japan to meet with his family where
Victorique, who made use of the letters to find her way to his home and
lived there since then was also waiting for him. Once again reunited,
Kujo and Victorique state that no matter how the world changes, they
will always be together. The story ends with Victorique walking hand in
hand with Kujo wearing a wedding gown.
"Shinigami no Katagoshi ni Eien wo Miru" (死神の肩越しに永远をみる)
After trying to kill Victorique, the Brian Roscoe who was with her fell
from a cliff and was seriously injured, while his brother died with
Cordelia in Sauville. Victorique saved him and took him to the port
where they were found by Grevil who had orders to capture them, but lets
them escape instead. In a boat leaving the country, Brian states to
Victorique that Cordelia was the kind of mother he and his brother
always wanted, and was envious of Cordelia's love for her. Begging her
to keep living for her mother's sake, he passes on. She is then
approached by Jupiter Roget, who was bringing with him Kujo's letters to
her. After the war ends, the academy is reopened, Grevil, who had now
paid his debt to Victorique, sports his old hairstyle again, and Kujo
returns safely to a war-torn Japan to meet with his family where
Victorique, who made use of the letters to find her way to his home and
lived there since then was also waiting for him. Once again reunited,
Kujo and Victorique state that no matter how the world changes, they
will always be together. The story ends with Victorique walking hand in
hand with Kujo wearing a wedding gown.
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