早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
A:Hi,how are you today?
B:Good,I am fine,but it is too bad to hear a fire accident in Wuhan.
A:Yeah,I heared that in news too,it is so bad,Fortunately,no life loss in the fire.
B:Right,but,many vendors lost their goods,report said a guy lost over 20 million in value.
A:Terrible,that kills that person in the same terrible way.
B:Still live,that is the most important thing.
A:What is the reason of the fire?
B:As said,the burning started in a storage in the second floor.
A:No body to call emergency?
B:Yes,someone did,but it was too late when the firemen came to try to control the fire.They did their best to provent the fire extending to nearby buildings.
A:Ok,it is the best way in such case.
B:Good,I am fine,but it is too bad to hear a fire accident in Wuhan.
A:Yeah,I heared that in news too,it is so bad,Fortunately,no life loss in the fire.
B:Right,but,many vendors lost their goods,report said a guy lost over 20 million in value.
A:Terrible,that kills that person in the same terrible way.
B:Still live,that is the most important thing.
A:What is the reason of the fire?
B:As said,the burning started in a storage in the second floor.
A:No body to call emergency?
B:Yes,someone did,but it was too late when the firemen came to try to control the fire.They did their best to provent the fire extending to nearby buildings.
A:Ok,it is the best way in such case.
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