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这是我在美国移民局查询的自己的档案信息 啥意思啊 看不懂也
On January 12,2009,we mailed you a notice that we have approved this I730 REFUGEE ASYLEE RELATIVE PETITION.Please follow any instructions on the notice.If you move before you receive the notice,call customer service.
You can choose to receive automatic case status updates,which will be sent via email.Please click here to create an account online.
If you would like to see our current Processing Dates for Applications and Petitions,click here.
Note:Case Status is available for Applications and Petitions which were filed at USCIS Service Centers.If you filed at a USCIS Local Office,your case status may not be reviewable online but for processing times on forms filed at that Office please,click here.
If you have a question about case status information provided via this site,or if you have not received a decision from USCIS within the current processing time listed,please contact the USCIS Customer Service at (800) 375 – 5283 or 1-800-767-1833 (TTY).
档案已经到了移民局了,放心吧,这是第一个通知信.我给你翻译一下:On January 12,2009,we mailed you a notice that we have approved this I730 REFUGEE ASYLEE RELATIVE PETITION.Please follow any instructions on the notice.If you move before you receive the notice,call customer service.
You can choose to receive automatic case status updates,which will be sent via email.Please click here to create an account online.
If you would like to see our current Processing Dates for Applications and Petitions,click here.
Note:Case Status is available for Applications and Petitions which were filed at USCIS Service Centers.If you filed at a USCIS Local Office,your case status may not be reviewable online but for processing times on forms filed at that Office please,click here.
If you have a question about case status information provided via this site,or if you have not received a decision from USCIS within the current processing time listed,please contact the USCIS Customer Service at (800) 375 – 5283 or 1-800-767-1833 (TTY).
如果对档案进度信息的批准有问题或者如果你在最近这段时间还未接到移民局的通知书,请联系移民局,服务中心电话(800) 375 – 5283 或 传真1-800-767-1833
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