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帮我写一篇图书馆的英文通知 内容精简100字左右
学年结束之际,老师们向学校书馆所借的书籍、杂志等一律在下周即6.20之前归还,如有遗失,按半价赔偿,请尽早办理手续 落款时间为6月12日 星期四
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About ZJU libraries Home >>
Being one of the oldest university libraries in China, the history of Zhejiang University Library can be traced back to 1897 when Qiushi Academy Library was founded. In September 1998, a new Zhejiang University was established on the basis of the amalgamation of the four former individual universities, namely Zhejiang University, Hangzhou University, Zhejiang Agricultural University and Zhejiang Medical University. The libraries of these universities were correspondingly merged into the unified Zhejiang University Libraries (ZUL).
ZUL consists of five branch libraries, in separate locations in Hangzhou: the Library of science and Technology in Yuquan Campus, the Library of Art and Science in Xixi Campus, the Library of Agriculture in Huajiachi Campus, the Library of Medicine and the Library of Basic Subjects in Zijingang Campus. ZUL headquarter is in Yuquan Campus. The total building area of the libraries amounts to 86,000 square meters, with about 5,300 seats.
The Ni Tiecheng Human and Arts Library financially sponsorted by the Hong Kong entrepreneur, Mr. Ni Tiecheng, and The Yuan Engineering Library donated by Chinese-Amarican scientist Dr.Yuan Shaowen are located in the Library of Science and Technology. The Zhejiang University Bank of Publications which contributed by its faculty and alumni is in the Library of Basic Subjects.
ZUL currently has a staff of 205. There are more than 40 research librarians(professors) or associate research librarians (associate professors). A galaxy of employees makes the provision of excellent service possible.
By the end of 2006, the total collections held by the library amount to 5,720,000 volumes (items). In addition, ZUL holds over 64 kinds of online databases with more than 200 items. The collection of ZUL covers almost all the academic subject, featuring mainly in mechanical engineering, instrumentation, power and energy engineering, electronics and engineering, chemistry and chemical engineering, medicine, agriculture, biological science, local documentation, Dunhuang study and psychology, etc.
ZUL operates the international advanced integrated automation system “Horizon”, which connect the five branches through campus network and offer online circulation service for more than 70,000 registered readers. The volumes of circulation amount to 2,500,000 annually. In recent years, the contents of the libraries services have been expanded and developed rapidly, especially in visual and digital library services such as information research, novelty retrieve, document delivery and interlibrary loan, SDI service, personal service, user training, etc. More than 6000 users visit the libraries' web site every day.
The China-US Million Book Digital Library (CADAL) project, organized by ZUL and the Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Science, is an important part of public service program in “211 project” during the tenth “Five-Year Plan” period. Sponsored by ZUL and cooperated with the other academic libraries in Zhejiang province, the Zhejiang Academic Digital Library and Information System (ZADLIS) project is started. ZUL encourage its faculty to carry on academic research and exchange. The library has held a number of national academic forums. About 100 thesis and several monographs have been published every year.
We are now facing with a rare opportunity for developing. During the tenth “ Five-Year Plan” period, we're starting the second stage construction items of “211 project” and “985 project”. A group of special libraries in new campus will be formed in coming years. Following the construction of CADAL, CALIS (China Academic Library Information System) and ZADLIS project, ZUL will enter an accelerated developing stage. We are taking full advantage of the opportunities and making every effort to build the libraries into the first-class one in the world.
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