早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
1.As is the people's troubles are troubles,he does not forget their troubles because of his troubles on his not very heavy and uncomfortable,but because a new,more intense interest in being overwhelmed and to dispel the boredom of his mind - just as people experience the excitement of novelty,it will also temporarily forget their misfortune like.
2.He had unwittingly discovered the human line
As one of reciprocity - that is,to allow an adult or a child eager to do something,just try this thing has become difficult to
In order to hand on the list.
3.If he was a great and wise philosopher,like the author of this book,he would know how to so-called "work
As "is a person compelled to do things,As for the" play "is a person under no obligation to do things.
4.If someone else for their hospitality is the effort to come on their own,rather than rely on unethical means to gain,and it especially valuable,there are mean.
5.Because knowledge is valuable,more than all the riches the world has a value.
6.Young people relaxed and happy nature,like a long time that it is impossible to suppress.
7.They do not understand the hungry mouth to make dishes truth.
2.He had unwittingly discovered the human line
As one of reciprocity - that is,to allow an adult or a child eager to do something,just try this thing has become difficult to
In order to hand on the list.
3.If he was a great and wise philosopher,like the author of this book,he would know how to so-called "work
As "is a person compelled to do things,As for the" play "is a person under no obligation to do things.
4.If someone else for their hospitality is the effort to come on their own,rather than rely on unethical means to gain,and it especially valuable,there are mean.
5.Because knowledge is valuable,more than all the riches the world has a value.
6.Young people relaxed and happy nature,like a long time that it is impossible to suppress.
7.They do not understand the hungry mouth to make dishes truth.
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