早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
除了"weigh the pros and cons",还有哪些说法?
除了"weigh the pros and cons",还有哪些说法?
pres and cons ;
strike a balance ;
strike a balance between ;
take one thing with another ;
taken one thing with another ;
took one thing with another;
weigh the advantages and disadvantages;
vantages and dis advantages;
weigh the advantages and disadvantages;
weigh the pros and cons
[参考词典]:汉英综合大词典 汉英法学大词典 汉英经贸大词典 汉英航海大词典 汉英综合大词典
pres and cons ;
strike a balance ;
strike a balance between ;
take one thing with another ;
taken one thing with another ;
took one thing with another;
weigh the advantages and disadvantages;
vantages and dis advantages;
weigh the advantages and disadvantages;
weigh the pros and cons
[参考词典]:汉英综合大词典 汉英法学大词典 汉英经贸大词典 汉英航海大词典 汉英综合大词典
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