早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
Ladies and gentlemen,
May I have your attention, please?
Welcome to our village. About 100 households live here with a population of 500 or so. Great changes have taken place in our village since the late 1990s. People's life has been much better than before and it has taken on a new look.
One more thing, it's about the education here. The original school used to be very small. But now we have rebuilt it. The new teaching building, which is the most beautiful in the village, has four floors. Therefore, all the children who are old enough to go to school can attend school for free, either girls or boys.
That's all.
May I have your attention, please?
Welcome to our village. About 100 households live here with a population of 500 or so. Great changes have taken place in our village since the late 1990s. People's life has been much better than before and it has taken on a new look.
One more thing, it's about the education here. The original school used to be very small. But now we have rebuilt it. The new teaching building, which is the most beautiful in the village, has four floors. Therefore, all the children who are old enough to go to school can attend school for free, either girls or boys.
That's all.
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