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原文是这的 题目在后面 咱也看不懂 求各位哥哥姐姐们帮帮忙 There is a big tree in a forest .It has beau-tiful green leaves and its root goes deep into the earth .At the foot of the tree,a little grass is growing.It is very small.It looks like a light wind can break its back . One day,the two neighbors are talking with each other "Well,little one,"says the tree to the grass."Why don’t you plant your feet deep in the ground,and hold your head up to the sky like me?" "I may be sader in this way,"answers the grass with a smile. "Safer!"the tree laughs.Do you think you are safer than me?"Do you think youare safer than me?Do you know how deep my roots go or make myhead touch to the ground?"In the evening a great typhoon comes.It pulls the trees out of the ground. When the typhoon passes,people find that the typhoon has killed the big tree,but the little grass is still alive. 唔 可算是弄完文章了 下面是题 :请你试着回答下面问题.After the strong wind .A.the grass still stays aliveB.the tree is also aliveC.the tree and the grass stay together
原文是这的 题目在后面 咱也看不懂 求各位哥哥姐姐们帮帮忙 There is a big tree in a forest .It has beau-tiful green leaves and its root goes deep into the earth .At the foot of the tree,a little grass is growing.It is very small.It looks like a light wind can break its back . One day,the two neighbors are talking with each other "Well,little one,"says the tree to the grass."Why don’t you plant your feet deep in the ground,and hold your head up to the sky like me?" "I may be sader in this way,"answers the grass with a smile. "Safer!"the tree laughs.Do you think you are safer than me?"Do you think youare safer than me?Do you know how deep my roots go or make myhead touch to the ground?"In the evening a great typhoon comes.It pulls the trees out of the ground. When the typhoon passes,people find that the typhoon has killed the big tree,but the little grass is still alive. 唔 可算是弄完文章了 下面是题 :请你试着回答下面问题.After the strong wind .A.the grass still stays aliveB.the tree is also aliveC.the tree and the grass stay together
答案选A .
原句:In the evening a great typhoon comes.It pulls the trees out of the ground.When the typhoon passes,people find that the typhoon has killed the big tree,but the little grass is still alive.
原句:In the evening a great typhoon comes.It pulls the trees out of the ground.When the typhoon passes,people find that the typhoon has killed the big tree,but the little grass is still alive.
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