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The TV program Iike best is the news report. By watching it every day, l can wit ness personally the important events occurring at home and abroad. It helps me broaden my field of vision and adds much to my knowledge of the world. In thirty minutes, the prcgrarn updates us on the current political and economic re form work of our country, talking of international contacts and cultural exchanges be tween China and foreign countries. The most interesting of all is the report of interna tional affairs from which I can observe the polirical situatons and turbulent (不安定的) social factors throughout the world and see the people strive earnestly for peace and pros perity. It also shows sometimes the decadent (堕落的) side of life in many civilized coun. In addition, recent scientific development and international sports competition are presented. In short, the program is rich and varied. Someone has said, "One need not leave home but can understand what happens in the world."
看了 求一篇题目是“我最喜欢的电视...的网友还看了以下:

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