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Metaphysics (Greek words meta = after/beyond and physics = nature) is a branch of philosophy concerned with the study of "first principles" and "being" (ontology).
Problems that were not originally considered metaphysical have been added to metaphysics.Other problems that were considered metaphysical problems for centuries are now typically relegated to their own separate subheadings in philosophy,such as philosophy of religion,philosophy of mind,philosophy of perception,philosophy of language,and philosophy of science.In rare cases subjects of metaphysical research have been found to be entirely physical and natural,thus making them part of physics.
Metaphysics (Greek words meta = after/beyond and physics = nature) is a branch of philosophy concerned with the study of "first principles" and "being" (ontology).
Problems that were not originally considered metaphysical have been added to metaphysics.Other problems that were considered metaphysical problems for centuries are now typically relegated to their own separate subheadings in philosophy,such as philosophy of religion,philosophy of mind,philosophy of perception,philosophy of language,and philosophy of science.In rare cases subjects of metaphysical research have been found to be entirely physical and natural,thus making them part of physics.
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