早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
Dear Jack,
How are you? It is good to get to know youstart your high school study now. Congratulations to you!
I am also in high school. I live in theschool dorm and go back home to see my parents every weekend. Since I stayed atschool I can experience more interesting things which I never encountered inmiddle school.
The study at high school is not that easy. Thereare many classes and assignments I have to finish. In order to keep me in agood condition physically to deal with so heavy study task, I ask myself to dophysical practice every day. I wake up early and run 5 kilometers everymorning. And I join the school basketball club from which I get to know manygood friends and improve my basketball skill. I will attend a basketball matchhold in our city next month. All the high schools in the city will attend. It isexciting and I will send you the match photos then.
Let's keep touching and know more abouteach other’s funny things.
Yours sincerely,
How are you? It is good to get to know youstart your high school study now. Congratulations to you!
I am also in high school. I live in theschool dorm and go back home to see my parents every weekend. Since I stayed atschool I can experience more interesting things which I never encountered inmiddle school.
The study at high school is not that easy. Thereare many classes and assignments I have to finish. In order to keep me in agood condition physically to deal with so heavy study task, I ask myself to dophysical practice every day. I wake up early and run 5 kilometers everymorning. And I join the school basketball club from which I get to know manygood friends and improve my basketball skill. I will attend a basketball matchhold in our city next month. All the high schools in the city will attend. It isexciting and I will send you the match photos then.
Let's keep touching and know more abouteach other’s funny things.
Yours sincerely,
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