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Short for Code-Division Multiple Access,码分多址的简称,a digital cellular technology that uses spread-spectrum techniques.systems,such as GSM,that use TDMA,CDMA does not assign a specific frequency to each user.Instead,every channel uses the full available spectrum.Individual conversations are encoded with a pseudo-random digital sequence.CDMA consistently provides better capacity for voice and data communications than other commercial mobile technologies,allowing more subscribers to connect at any given time,and it is the common platform on which 3G technologies are built.
CDMA is a military technology first used during World War II by English allies to foil German attempts at jamming transmissions.The allies decided to transmit over several frequencies,instead of one,making it difficult for the Germans to pick up the complete signal.Because Qualcomm created communications chips for CDMA technology,it was privy to the classified information.Once the information became public,Qualcomm claimed patents on the technology and became the first to commercialize it.
短码分多址,一种数字蜂窝技术,利用扩频技术.系统,例如目前GSM使用的TDMA,CDMA的不指派一个特定的频率,以每user.instead,每个通道使用全部可用频谱.个别谈话编码与伪随机数字序列.CDMA的一贯提供更好的能力语音和数据通信比其他商业移动技术 让更多的用户连接在任何特定时间 这就是我们共同的平台,3G技术的基础.
CDMA系统是一个军事技术的首次使用,第二次世界大战期间,英方盟国花剑德国企图干扰 变速箱.盟国决定把几班次,而非一位 难以让德国人拿起完整的信号.因为高通公司制造通讯晶片的CDMA技术,它获知的机密资料.一旦信息成了市民,高通公司声称的专利技术,成为首批商品化.