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【难】【难】【难】求翻译高手翻译此文 ~~~
As a person over seventy,I ought to have seen it all and have understood it all.Instead I still do not understand life at times.Confucius said:"At seventy I could follow my heart's desire without transgressing the norm." Perhaps this meant that he had reached a level of perfect understanding.For us the ordinary people living in a materialistic society,we busy ourselves for the daily necessities.There are many temptations in our lives,but chasing these temptations also cause us anxieties.To follow the heart's desire is actually quite difficult.
For an old person,following the heart's desire does not mean you can exploit your status as an elderly to do whatever you want.To follow the heart's desire is to follow your own path,and to maintain your own "realm of freedom" in your mind.Your world will open right up.This type of freedom is both unlimited and limited.Your mind can live freely within the limited physical and daily routine.I suppose this is what Confucius meant by "transgressing the norm".
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