早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
It is widely known that wechat has become increasingly popular in people's daily life to communicate with others.And it has been controversial and raised many debates on whether it's good for us or not.Everything has its pros and cons,and in my opinion,I tend to support the former rather than the latter.(第一段直接说微信就行,因为讨论的是微信的利弊所以不用说其他的通讯qq什么的,直接入题)
Firstly,wechat is convenient and efficient.For instance,you don’t need dial a number when you want to contact someone,all you have to do is find his ID and talk to him through the wechat.Secondly,wechat is much more saving than dialing,it is free to some extend.Thus wechat is a fabulous choice for those people who can't afford much phone bill,such as students.
To conclude,wechat is a ideal communication tool for us under most circumstances.Therefore,as long as we use it in a resonable way,wechat can be very beneficial.
考虑到字数限制所以理由什么的写的很简单.然后作文里连词很重要,那是逻辑的体现~不过我也好久没写作文了,不知道有没有错误,仅作参考哦^ ^
It is widely known that wechat has become increasingly popular in people's daily life to communicate with others.And it has been controversial and raised many debates on whether it's good for us or not.Everything has its pros and cons,and in my opinion,I tend to support the former rather than the latter.(第一段直接说微信就行,因为讨论的是微信的利弊所以不用说其他的通讯qq什么的,直接入题)
Firstly,wechat is convenient and efficient.For instance,you don’t need dial a number when you want to contact someone,all you have to do is find his ID and talk to him through the wechat.Secondly,wechat is much more saving than dialing,it is free to some extend.Thus wechat is a fabulous choice for those people who can't afford much phone bill,such as students.
To conclude,wechat is a ideal communication tool for us under most circumstances.Therefore,as long as we use it in a resonable way,wechat can be very beneficial.
考虑到字数限制所以理由什么的写的很简单.然后作文里连词很重要,那是逻辑的体现~不过我也好久没写作文了,不知道有没有错误,仅作参考哦^ ^
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