早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


1.The beauty that is only gone out of in life,No,etc.the brilliance that came out.
2.Pick up the hoe,cultivate the wasteland of years,plant
3 for one well-off time out.Youth to wait tranquility of the moon,youth warm,the youth is had no right to be enjoyed,only struggle.
4.Flower in bloom in spring,because she go through winter bleak and chilly.It is late to succeed,because she needs the trial of the setback.
5.It is hopeful to pursue,it is possible to be diligent.6.Life was not given to us,is exactly what we will create.7.Think in face of the light of the early morning sun,want,do anything today,step on twilight sunset think.
8.The sea is beautiful because of spray,excellent
9 because of striving of life.Make the bitter pill easily,the suffering is cast brilliantly.
10.The high mountain is built in the dust,the rivers and sea are gathered together dripping,succeed in coming from the detail.
11.Don't be disappointed because of missing the sunrise,because there is the light of the early morning sun; Don't be depressed because of setback,because still hope.
12.The behavior forms a habit,used to forming quality,quality determines destiny
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