早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
英语短文 为什么身边会发生这么多车祸
On Car Accidents
Why do so many accidents happen around us?They did deprive so many people of their lives.
So,accidents leave thiking on us.We have them happened and can’t we avoid them.I can’t really tell.Most of them happened because of negligence.If we had kept cautiousness in mind,some of the tragedies should have been avoided.
So were we to follow the rules,there should be fewer people in danger on road.
On Car Accidents
Why do so many accidents happen around us?They did deprive so many people of their lives.
So,accidents leave thiking on us.We have them happened and can’t we avoid them.I can’t really tell.Most of them happened because of negligence.If we had kept cautiousness in mind,some of the tragedies should have been avoided.
So were we to follow the rules,there should be fewer people in danger on road.
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