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《项链的英文 极简 概括啊.50字以下.2小时内的加赏!
Guy de Maupassant's short story ‘‘The Necklace’’ (‘‘La parure’’) was first published in the Paris newspaper Le Gaulois on February 17,1884,and was subsequently included in his 1885 collection of short stories Tales of Day and Night (Contes dejour et de la nuit).Like most of Maupassant's short fiction,it was an instant success,and it has become his most widely read and anthologized story.In addition to its well-rounded characters,tight plotting,wealth of detail,and keen social commentary,''The Necklace'' is conspicuous for its use of the "whip-crack" or ‘‘O.Henry’’ ending,in which a plot twist at the end of the story completely changes the story's meaning.Although Maupassant rarely made use of the device,its presence in this work has tied him to it irrevocably.Although it is not known where Maupassant got the idea for his story,certain connections may be made between ‘‘The Necklace’’ and the novel Madame Bovary,written by Maupassant's mentor and friend,Gustave Flaubert.Both stories feature a young,beautiful woman in a social situation that she finds distasteful.Like Madame Bovary,Mathilde Loisel attempts to escape her social station in life,but her scheming actions ultimately doom her.
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