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蜘蛛与战争。 作文













There was once a king of Scotland whose name was Robert Bruce.He was both brave and wise.The king of England was at war with him,and had led a great army into Srotland to drive him out of the land.

Battle after battle had been fought,Six times had Bruce led his brave little army against his enemies;and six times had his men been beaten.At last,his army was scattered,and he was forced to hide himself in a hut in the mountains.

One day,as he lay thinking,he saw a spider over his head, getting ready to weave her web.He watched her as she worked slowly and with great care.

Six times she tried to throw her thread from one beam to another,and six times fell short.

"Poor thing!"said Bruce."You,too,know what it is to fail."

But the spider did not lose hope with the sixth failture.With still more care,she made ready to try for the seventh time.

Bruce almost forgort his own tioubles as he watched her swing herself out upon the thin line.Would she fail again?No!The thead was carried safely to the beam and fastened there."I,too,will try a seventh time!"cried Bruce.

He got up and called his men together.He told them of his plans,and sent them out with messages of cheer to his disheartened people.Soon there was an army of brave Scotchmen around him.Another battle was fought,and the king of England was driven out.

After that day,no one by the name of Bruce would ever hurt a spider.The lessom that the little creature had taught the king was never forgotten.

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