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机械类的英文 帮忙翻译一下 (不要自动翻译的)
悬臂式掘进机是一种能够完成截割 装载 转载煤岩 并能自己行走 具有喷雾灭尘等功能的巷道掘进联合机组 悬臂式部分端面掘进机在煤矿地下巷道施工中得到了广泛的应用 随着社会经济的不断发展 科技的进步和生活水平的提高 要求巷道施工向安全优质高效无人化方向发展 加强掘进机向智能化发展是一个大的趋势 未来的矿山机械将全面装备融合电子化 自动化 机器人化为一体的机电一体化技术
本文主要论述宣布时掘进机的智能化发展方向的以下四个方面的内容 掘进巷道的断面自动成形 掘进机行走系统的智能控制 恒功率控制 感应自适应系统
掘进机悬臂的运动是悬臂在垂直面内升降运动和水平面内回转运动的合成 掘进机的悬臂升降是一对同步升降油缸来完成的 一对同步升降油缸分别与掘进机的机架与悬臂进行铰接 当升降油缸的行程改变时 旋臂将绕其与机架的铰接点在垂直面内作摆动 当升降油缸伸长时 悬臂向巷道上方摆动 当升降油缸缩短时 悬臂向巷道下方摆动 因而可以方便地改变掘进头在巷道断面上的高度
掘进机悬臂的水平摆动是依靠水平回转工作台的回转来实现的 机架部分整体安装在水平回转工作台上 当回转台水平摆动时 安装在其上的机架将带动悬臂作水平摆动 回转台由一对对称布置的油缸来推动 工作油缸的两端分别与水平回转工作台 机身铰接 工作时 一侧的油缸伸长 而另一侧的油缸相应缩短 需要改变悬臂的水平摆动方向时 只需相应改变一对对称摆动油缸柱塞杆的运动方向 由液压系统联系 升降油缸和水平回转油缸既可以单独运动 也可以同时做复合运动
掘进头中心在巷道断面投影上的坐标(x y)和悬臂升降角及水平角具有一一对应关系 而悬臂升降角及水平摆角是由升降缸与回转油缸的行程决定的 升降和回转油缸使用能控制油缸行程的液压缸的行程即可控制掘进头在巷道断面上的位置 从而截割出规定形状和尺寸的巷道断面
掘进行走系统的智能控制是研究如何使掘进机在行走或施工时始终都能按照设定好的路线运动 保持机身始终落在规划好的行进路线上 保证断面在开挖过程中不会因为机器自身定位不准而出现巷道欠挖和超挖的情况 并保证全断面的煤岩都能运装干净
具体的控制过程如下当机身中心线被调到和已挖掘巷道设计中心线重合且掘进头前端中心点和曲线起点重合时 启动摇臂上截割电动机使掘进头开始旋转 使摇臂伸出一个步长并启动摇臂的垂直升降和水平回转缸进行自动成型的截割
The cantilever roadheader intelligent development direction
The cantilever tunneler is a complete cutting load coal rock and can be reproduced themselves with spray out walking function such as dust of roadway excavation joint unit cantilever part of underground tunnels in the coal face roadheader construction has been widely used in the development of social economy,with the progress of science and technology and improvement of living standard requirement to safe efficient roadway construction target direction to strengthen roadheader intellectualized development is a big trend of future mining machinery will fully equipped with automatic robot into an electronic integration of the electromechanical integration technology
This paper discusses the development of intelligence declared roadheader in the direction of the following four aspects of content of roadway excavation automatic forming roadheader section of intelligent control system of walking constant power control of induction adaptive system
End line control
Face shape control specific reflection to the cantilever roadheader machine is in operation on how the process control of roadheader cantilever cutting head movement driven to the provisions of section cutting shape
The movement is swinging cantilever bracket in vertical and horizontal planes in lifting movement in the synthesis of the rotary motion is a pair of cantilever swinging the synchrolifting lifting cylinder to complete a pair of the synchrolifting cylinder and the frame and cantilever were swinging hinged when lifting cylinder schedule changes around the arms with frame will be restricted in the pivotal point as swing when lifting cylinder elongation to swing when the upper roadway cantilever when lifting cylinder to shorten the roadway when swinging and cantilever below can easily change JueJinTou in section of height
Roadheader cantilever level swing is turning on the rotary worktable level to realize the overall installed in horizontal part turn table when rotating table level swing in the installation of frame will drive the cantilever as level swing by a symmetrical layout rotary tables to promote the cylinder and the cylinder at level rotary worktable hinged on one side of the fuselage at work and the other side cylinder elongation of cylinder reduced need to change the direction of the cantilever level swing only when the corresponding change a symmetric swinging cylinder piston rod movement direction by the hydraulic system and the level of lifting cylinder contact turning cylinders can separate motion can also do compound movement
JueJinTou center in section on the projection coordinate (x y) and cantilever lifting Angle and level Angle has one-to-one relationship and cantilever lifting Angle and angular is by lifting cylinder and the cylinder trip decided to turn the lift and rotary cylinder use can control the hydraulic cylinder cylinder travel itinerary JueJinTou can be controlled in the position and the roadway section cutting the provisions of section shape and size of roadway
Walk the intelligent control system
Excavation of the intelligent control system is walking to study how to walk or construction are always can keep the line movement has planned in fuselage sections on route in the process that won't because the machine and positioning itself to dig tunnels dug and owed and ensure all sections of coal and rock can be on clean
Specific control process follows when fuselage centerline to excavate tunnels and design center JueJinTou front and center and coincidence point during start-up curves on the rocker coincides JueJinTou began cutting motor rotate to make out a step length and mounted vertically and start rocker level rotary cylinder for automatic
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